Tuesday, May 28, 2013

More garage progress

One wall was left in the garage that I hadn't yet gotten around to. I knew I already had a good amount of storage so didn't want to add cabinets to it. Instead I sketched this out in my projects journal:

The idea was that I'd build a small cabinet with a shelf and put it over the workbench I already made for that wall. Trying to keep a vintage theme, I thought I'd add some chevrons to the door front.

Using scrap pieces of wood I had in the garage I put this thing together in an hour or so and painted it the green color I'm using on the other cabinets. 

I added some family photos from my grandpas, great grandfather and great great grandfathers:

I picked up the deer antlers off of eBay, the American flag is from the thrift store but is actually an Annin flag. Annin is one of the best and oldest flag makers in the USA, the flag the Marines raised on Iwo Jima was an Annin as is the flag Armstrong and Aldrin planted on the moon.

 Still a lot of plans to make the garage more usable, organized and awesome...

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